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How to convert the Not Positioned (NP/0) to position 100?
How to convert the Not Positioned (NP/0) to position 100?

Here the formula to custom the Position indicator in order to change the 0 by position 100.

Lucas Grimond avatar
Written by Lucas Grimond
Updated over a week ago

Hello everyone

This article aims to clarify some notions about how to use the Myposeo connector to Google Data Studio (GDS).

Indeed, many of you use GDS to meet your customers’ needs and many of you pull your hair out on the configuration of connectors and KPIs

Unlike our dashboarding tool, which is entirely dedicated to the use of positioning data, Google Data Studio is limited in terms of data formats.
Typically, it is not possible to tell GDS the format of the Position data. In this case, it forces us to format this indicator as an “integer”.

So that implies that 100 is greater than 1 and then you see me coming?

In terms of positioning, it’s the opposite that interests us, isn’t it? The positioning logic implies that a position 1 is better than 100.

From that point on, we still have no solution to indicate to GDS that going from 30 to 1 is a positive development.
>If you have a solution, we are interested!

In the connector, the KPI “position” can also indicate that there is no position.
The Myposeo API returns the value 0 to GDS, which strictly expects the “integer” according to its data format.

You will say to me “Okay, I understood for this format story, but then with all this, we find ourselves with tables sorted in ascending order that propose me the not positioned at the top of the list!!!!!

To overcome this problem, there are 2 solutions:
– Filter out unpositioned keywords. So exclude position = 0
– Create a custom KPI where he is asked to replace 0 by 100 in order to be able to sort correctly

Hopefully this little tricks will be useful to you!
For any technical requests, do not hesitate to contact us via the online support.

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