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How to synchronise Google Analytics 4 (GA4) on J+Search?
How to synchronise Google Analytics 4 (GA4) on J+Search?

The future of Google Analytics will be live soon. Let's get started

Thomas Hénault avatar
Written by Thomas Hénault
Updated over a week ago

What is Google Analytics 4?

GA4 is a new property designed for the future of measurement:

  • Collects both website and app data to better understand the customer journey;

  • Uses event-based data instead of session-based;

  • Includes privacy controls such as cookieless measurement, and behavioural and conversion modeling;

  • Predictive capabilities offer guidance without complex models;

  • Direct integrations to media platforms help drive actions on your website or app.

On July 1, 2023, standard Universal Analytics properties will no longer process data.
You'll be able to see your Universal Analytics reports for a period of time after July 1, 2023. However, new data will only flow into Google Analytics 4 properties.

Synchronising J+Search with a Google Analytics 4 property enables to collect and cross-reference audience stats (Sessions, Users) and user behaviour (Time spent, Bounce Rate, Conversions) with J+Search rankings on a ranked page, page groups, domain, sub-domain or complete folder level.

A good organic ranking in the search engines must generate traffic that will then be directed towards specific objectives for your project (purchases, downloads, contacts, calls, etc.). Your organic strategy must support these final objectives, which is why cross-referencing data with audience analysis tools such as GA4 allows you to prioritise the categories to be worked on SEO while measuring the impact of your strategy at different levels (group of queries, groups of pages, types of pages, etc.).

When creating or updating your project, select the synchronisation with a GA4 profile and choose the Google account where your property is located in order to load the data from it. Be careful to use the right value (especially http or https). You will then be able to select indicators (up to 10 by default) and find them in your campaign.

How to synchronise GA4 in J+Search?

After creating your campaign setup, you may want to edit your Google Analytics 4 synchronisation to display other indicators. To do this, go to your Performance Tracking campaign and edit it (see image below).

Step 1: Edit your campaign

Step 2: Edit the Google Analytics 4 data source

Step 3: Fill in the information about your Analytics account

Step 4: Choose your indicators (up to 10 maximum)

Step 5: Select your data collection between three periods

Optional Step:

If you wish, you can modify the configuration by clicking on "Edit Google Analytics v4".

Where to see your GA4 data in the tool?

At page level:

Let's have a quick look at the layout in the performance tracking tool (e.g Pages tab > Google Analytics Pages sub-tab).

At domain level:

Dedicated Overview as a report (Overview > Google Analytics v4):

What metrics can we get through the GA4 synchronisation?


1-day active users

The number of distinct active users on your site or app within a 1 day period. The 1 day period includes the last day in the report's date range.
Note: this is the same as Active Users.


28-day active users

The number of distinct active users on your site or app within a 28 day period. The 28 day period includes the last day in the report's date range.


7-day active users

The number of distinct active users on your site or app within a 7 day period. The 7 day period includes the last day in the report's date range.


Active users

The number of distinct users who visited your site or app.



The number of times users added items to their shopping carts.


Ad unit exposure

The time that an ad unit was exposed to a user, in milliseconds.


Average purchase revenue

The average purchase revenue in the transaction group of events.



Average revenue per paying user (ARPPU) is the total purchase revenue per active user that logged a purchase event. The summary metric is for the time period selected.



Average revenue per active user (ARPU). The summary metric is for the time period selected. ARPU includes AdMob estimated earnings.


Cart-to-view rate

The number of users who added a product(s) to their cart divided by the number of users who viewed the same product(s).



The number of times users started the checkout process.


Cohort active users

The number of users in the cohort who are active in the time window corresponding to the cohort nth day/week/month. For example for the row where cohortNthWeek = 0001, this metric is the number of users (in the cohort) who are active in week 1.


Cohort total users

The total number of users in the cohort. This metric is the same value in every row of the report for each cohort. Because cohorts are defined by a shared acquisition date, cohortTotalUsers is the same as cohortActiveUsers for the cohort's selection date range. For report rows later than the cohort's selection range, it is typical for cohortActiveUsers to be smaller than cohortTotalUsers. This difference represents users from the cohort that were not active for the later date. cohortTotalUsers is commonly used in the metric expression cohortActiveUsers/cohortTotalUsers to compute a user retention fraction for the cohort. The relationship between activeUsers and totalUsers is not equivalent to the relationship between cohortActiveUsers and cohortTotalUsers.



The count of conversion events. Events are marked as conversions at collection time; changes to an event's conversion marking apply going forward. You can mark any event as a conversion in Google Analytics, and some events (i.e. first_open, purchase) are marked as conversions by default. To learn more, see via this link.


Ecommerce purchases

The number of times users completed a purchase. This metric counts 'purchase' events; this metric does not count 'in_app_purchase' and subscription events.


Engaged sessions

The number of sessions that lasted longer than 10 seconds, or had a conversion event, or had 2 or more screen views.


Engagement rate

The percentage of engaged sessions (Engaged sessions divided by Sessions).


Event count

The count of events.


Event count per user

The average number of events per user (Event count divided by Active users).


Events per session

The average number of events per session (Event count divided by Sessions).


Event value

The sum of the event parameter named 'value'.


First time purchasers

The number of users that completed their first purchase event.


Item list clicks

The number of times users clicked an item when it appeared in a list.


Item list click through rate

The number of users who selected a list(s) divided by the number of users who viewed the same list(s).


Item list views

The number of times the item list was viewed.


Item promotion clicks

The number of times an item promotion was clicked.


Item promotion click through rate

The number of users who selected a promotion(s) divided by the number of users who viewed the same promotion(s).


Item promotion views

The number of times an item promotion was viewed.


Item purchase quantity

The number of units for a single item included in purchase events.


Item revenue

The total revenue from items only. Item revenue is the product of its price and quantity. Item revenue excludes tax and shipping values.


Item views

The number of times the item details were viewed.


New users

The number of users who interacted with your site or launched your app for the first time (event triggered: first_open or first_visit).


Publisher ad clicks

The number of ad_click events.


Publisher ad impressions

The number of ad_impression events.


Purchase revenue

The sum of revenue from purchases made in your app or site. Purchase revenue sums the revenue for these events: purchase, ecommerce_purchase, in_app_purchase, app_store_subscription_convert, and app_store_subscription_renew.


Purchase-to-view rate

The number of users who purchased a product(s) divided by the number of users who viewed the same product(s).



The number of app screens or web pages your users viewed. Repeated views of a single page or screen are counted. (screen_view + page_view events).



The number of sessions that began on your site or app (event triggered: session_start).


Sessions per user

The average number of sessions per user (Sessions divided by Active Users).


Total ad revenue

The total advertising revenue from both Admob and third-party sources.


Total purchasers

The number of users that logged purchase events for the time period selected.


Total revenue

The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising (Purchase revenue plus Subscription revenue plus Ad revenue).


Total users

The number of distinct users who have logged at least one event, regardless of whether the site or app was in use when that event was logged.



The count of transaction events with purchase revenue. Transaction events are in_app_purchase, ecommerce_purchase, purchase, app_store_subscription_renew, app_store_subscription_convert, and refund.


User engagement

The total amount of time (in seconds) your website or app was in the foreground of users' devices.


Bounce rate

The percentage of sessions that were not engaged ((Sessions Minus Engaged sessions) divided by Sessions). This metric is returned as a fraction; for example, 0.2761 means 27.61% of sessions were bounces.


Average session duration

The average duration (in seconds) of users' sessions.

Question & Answers

Can UA and GA4 be synchronised in the same project?

Indeed! You can synchronise these two data sources.

Going further by using our report module and match them in same charts.

How long data will be available?

GA4 data will be available for 2 years on a rolling basis.

Why I don't have the Analytics data for some pages?

At page level, we collect GA4 data only on the url's found during the collection of your keyword positions.

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