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Using Advanced Filters
Lucas Grimond avatar
Written by Lucas Grimond
Updated over a week ago

Your data tables can be filtered with :

Allowing you to filter your data quickly.


Pre-defined Filters

Here is the list of pre-defined filters:

Universal Search

  • Keywords ranked in US PAA section

  • Keywords from the Top 1

  • Keywords ranked in US Featured Snippet

  • Keywords ranked in US Images

  • Keywords ranked organically

  • Keywords ranked in US Videos

  • Keywords ranked in US Maps

  • Keywords ranked in US News

  • Keywords ranked in US Recipe


  • Top 1 Keywords Ranked

  • Top 3 Keywords Ranked

  • Top 10 Keywords Ranked


  • Keywords on page 2

  • Keywords not ranked

  • Keywords on page 3


  • Keywords from the Top 1

  • Keywords from the Top 3

  • Keywords from the Top 10


  • Top 1 Keywords Entered

  • Top 3 Keywords Entered

  • Top 10 Keywords Entered

Custom Filters

You have the possibility to customise your filters.

Choose the condition :

- Include

- Exclude

- Equal

- Different from

Then the element and the value (e.g. include search volumes between 10 and 100).


Here is the list of customisable items:

  • Keywords

  • ID

  • Brand / Non-branded

  • Target URL

  • Best position

  • Position

  • Universal Search

  • Rich Snippets

  • Pixel Ranking

  • Page

  • URL

  • Number of URL ranked

  • Traffic

  • Share of Traffic

  • Click Rate

  • Number of results

  • Top site (domain)

  • Top site (URL)

  • Volume

  • Average Volume

  • CPC

  • Keyword Value

  • Trend Variation

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