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What are the different entities available in the J+Search Looker Studio connector?
What are the different entities available in the J+Search Looker Studio connector?

In this article you will find all the entities available in the J+Search connector of Looker Studio.

Thomas Hénault avatar
Written by Thomas Hénault
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we will introduce you to all the entities available in the Myposeo connector of Looker Studio. You will learn, from now on, how to use them in detail.


1. Domain entity

What is the Domain entity?

When you create a data source from the Domain entity, you will get global data from the website tracked (domain, sub-domain, url...), the highest level of granularity.

When to use the Domain entity?

  • To find out the estimated traffic to your website;

  • To know the number of keywords that are ranked;

  • To find out your weighted average position;

  • To know the number of keywords that are ranked on page 1.

💡What you need to know: this entity allows you to display global data.

How to create a data source with the Domain entity?

Depending on the project (Simple, Competitive or Full) that you synchronise in the connector, you will have a slightly different interface, in the Filters, with the addition or removal of some fields to fill in.

Completing the Filters fields is not mandatory. The method you choose for data retrieval will determine the outcome.

By incorporating filters into your configuration, you can optimise data loading and enhance the speed of data retrieval. This approach enables you to reduce the amount of data being loaded while still achieving faster access to the specific data you need.

💡 In the creation of the data source, if you want to take into account all the elements present in each Filters (Keyword groups, Level groups, Positions, Traffic sources, Type of results, Brand/Non-Brand...) then you will have to leave the field EMPTY + tick the CHECKBOX.

Field to fill

Domain Entity


SEO Performance Tracking


Project name (or id)





Domain parameter (checkbox)

Ticked ✅



Aggregation by

Daily, Weekly or Month

Aggregation by parameter (checkbox)

Ticked ✅

Date range (checkbox)

Ticked ✅

Date range parameter (checkbox)

Ticked ✅

What can I do with the Domain entity?

You can take some inspiration from the One Pager and the Domain Overview created from our "template".

2. Keywords Groups entity

What is the Keywords Groups entity?

When generating a data source using the Keyword Groups entity, the data will be computed based on the categories that have been established.

When to use the the Keywords Groups entity?

  • To find out the estimated traffic per keyword group;

  • To know the number of keywords that are ranked by category;

  • To find out the volume of searches generated by your keyword groups;

  • To know the number of keywords per category and per page range.

💡What you need to know: this entity allows you to display data at the level of your Keyword Groups.


As an example, to obtain the website traffic data, you should avoid adding up the traffic from the Keyword Groups. This total is likely to be higher than the Domain entity's traffic since keywords may appear in multiple categories, leading to duplications.

How to create a data source with the Keywords Groups entity?

Depending on the project (Simple, Competitive or Full) that you synchronise in the connector, you will have a slightly different interface with the addition or removal of some fields to fill in.

Completing the Filters fields is not mandatory. The method you choose for data retrieval will determine the outcome.

By incorporating filters into your configuration, you can optimise data loading and enhance the speed of data retrieval. This approach enables you to reduce the amount of data being loaded while still achieving faster access to the specific data you need.

💡 In the creation of the data source, if you want to take into account all the elements present in each Filters (Keyword groups, Level groups, Positions, Traffic sources, Type of results, Brand/Non-Brand...) then you will have to leave the field EMPTY + tick the CHECKBOX.

Field to fill

Keyword Groups Entity


SEO Performance Tracking


Project name (or id)


Keyword Groups



Domain parameter (checkbox)

Ticked ✅



Aggregation by

Daily, Weekly or Month

Aggregation by parameter (checkbox)

Ticked ✅

Date range (checkbox)

Ticked ✅

Date range parameter (checkbox)

Ticked ✅

What can I do with the Keywords Groups entity?

You can take some inspiration from the Keywords Groups created from our "template".

3. Keywords entity

What is the Keywords entity?

When you create a data source from the Keywords entity, the data will be calculated at the lowest level of granularity, which is your keywords.

When to use the Keywords entity?

  • To know the rankings of your keywords as well as the type of results on which you are ranked (Organic vs Paid vs Universal Search);

  • To have statistics such as search volume, traffic, etc. ;

  • To know the url on which your keyword is ranked;

  • To know if your keyword triggers a rich snippet.

💡What you need to know: This entity allows you to display data at the keyword level.

How to create a data source with the Keywords entity?

Depending on the project (Simple, Competitive or Full) that you synchronise in the connector, you will have a slightly different interface with the addition or removal of some fields to fill in.

Completing the Filters fields is not mandatory. The method you choose for data retrieval will determine the outcome.

By incorporating filters into your configuration, you can optimise data loading and enhance the speed of data retrieval. This approach enables you to reduce the amount of data being loaded while still achieving faster access to the specific data you need.

💡 In the creation of the data source, if you want to take into account all the elements present in each Filters (Keyword groups, Level groups, Positions, Traffic sources, Type of results, Brand/Non-Brand...) then you will have to leave the field EMPTY + tick the CHECKBOX.

Field to fill

Keywords Entity


SEO Performance Tracking


Project name (or id)





Domain parameter (checkbox)

Ticked ✅



Aggregation by

Daily, Weekly or Month

Aggregation by parameter (checkbox)

Ticked ✅

Date range (checkbox)

Ticked ✅

Date range parameter (checkbox)

Ticked ✅

In this scenario, I've implemented three filters to enhance the information available in my keywords table. But they are not necessary (optional).

What can I do with the Keywords entity?

You can take some inspiration from the Keywords created from our "template".

4. Page Groups entity

What is the Page Groups entity?

When you create a data source from the Page Groups entity, you will be able to display data by page segment. The idea is to categorise your pages and retrieve statistics by page tags such as urls folders.

When to use the Page Groups entity?

  • To find out the estimated traffic per page group;

  • To find out the number of keywords that are ranked by page groups.

💡What you need to know: This entity allows you to understand how your page segments are performing by allowing you to have statistics by page groups.


The page entity only gives you access to statistics per page and not per group of several pages.

How to create a data source with the Page Groups entity?

Depending on the project (Simple, Competitive or Full) that you synchronise in the connector, you will have a slightly different interface with the addition or removal of some fields to fill in.

Completing the Filters fields is not mandatory. The method you choose for data retrieval will determine the outcome.

By incorporating filters into your configuration, you can optimise data loading and enhance the speed of data retrieval. This approach enables you to reduce the amount of data being loaded while still achieving faster access to the specific data you need.

💡 In the creation of the data source, if you want to take into account all the elements present in each Filters (Keyword groups, Level groups, Positions, Traffic sources, Type of results, Brand/Non-Brand...) then you will have to leave the field EMPTY + tick the CHECKBOX.

Field to fill

Page Groups Entity


SEO Performance Tracking


Project name (or id)


Page Groups



Domain parameter (checkbox)

Ticked ✅



Aggregation by

Daily, Weekly or Month

Aggregation by parameter (checkbox)

Ticked ✅

Date range (checkbox)

Ticked ✅

Date range parameter (checkbox)

Ticked ✅

What can I do with the Page Groups entity?

You can take some inspiration from the Page Groups created from our "template".

5. Pages entity

What is the Pages entity?

When you create a data source from the Pages entity, you will have data and statistics available at page/url level.

When to use the Pages entity?

  • To find out which pages rank well;

  • To find out which pages are getting traffic.

💡What you need to know: This entity allows you to display data at the page level and get all their performances.


The Pages entity only gives you access to statistics per page and not per groups of several pages.

How to create a data source with the Pages entity?

Depending on the project (Simple, Competitive or Full) that you synchronise in the connector, you will have a slightly different interface with the addition or removal of some fields to fill in.

Completing the Filters fields is not mandatory. The method you choose for data retrieval will determine the outcome.

By incorporating filters into your configuration, you can optimise data loading and enhance the speed of data retrieval. This approach enables you to reduce the amount of data being loaded while still achieving faster access to the specific data you need.

💡 In the creation of the data source, if you want to take into account all the elements present in each Filters (Keyword groups, Level groups, Positions, Traffic sources, Type of results, Brand/Non-Brand...) then you will have to leave the field EMPTY + tick the CHECKBOX.

Field to fill

Pages Entity


SEO Performance Tracking


Project name (or id)





Domain parameter (checkbox)

Ticked ✅



Aggregation by

Daily, Weekly or Month

Aggregation by parameter (checkbox)

Ticked ✅

Date range (checkbox)

Ticked ✅

Date range parameter (checkbox)

Ticked ✅

In this scenario, I've implemented two filters to enhance the information available in my keywords table. But they are not necessary (optional).

What can I do with the Pages entity?

You can take some inspiration from the Pages created from our "template".

6. Competitors (Market Overview) entity

What is the Competitors entity?

When you create a data source from the Competitors entity, you will be able to display the data available in the Market Overview tab of your performance tracking.

When to use the Competitors entity?

  • To have a global view of the domains on which your keywords are ranked;

  • To make a quick analysis of the areas that perform best in your market. This allows you to understand your competitive environment.

💡What you need to know: This entity provides you with insights into how your competitors are performing based on a sample of data.

For a smoother data recovery process, it's advisable to opt for a one-day retrieval period instead of a whole month.


The websites tracked will have the benefit of being analysed as your own domain. You will be able to study the performance of your chosen competitors.

In contrast, in the market overview, these are all the websites found when we have collected the positions of all your keywords over a page depth of 1 to 10. This is only a sample of your competitive environment.

This entity provides you with a trend analysis and empowers you to recognise competitors within your market.

How to create a data source with the Competitors entity?

Depending on the project (Simple, Competitive or Full) that you synchronise in the connector, you will have a slightly different interface with the addition or removal of some fields to fill in.

Completing the Filters fields is not mandatory. The method you choose for data retrieval will determine the outcome.

By incorporating filters into your configuration, you can optimise data loading and enhance the speed of data retrieval. This approach enables you to reduce the amount of data being loaded while still achieving faster access to the specific data you need.

💡 In the creation of the data source, if you want to take into account all the elements present in each Filters (Keyword groups, Level groups, Positions, Traffic sources, Type of results, Brand/Non-Brand...) then you will have to leave the field EMPTY + tick the CHECKBOX.

Field to fill

Competitors (Market Overview) Entity


SEO Performance Tracking


Project name (or id)


Competitors (Market Overview)



Domain parameter (checkbox)

Ticked ✅



Aggregation by

Daily, Weekly or Month

Aggregation by parameter (checkbox)

Ticked ✅

Date range (checkbox)

Ticked ✅

Date range parameter (checkbox)

Ticked ✅

What can I do with the Competitors entity?

You can take some inspiration from the Market Overview created from our "template".

For more information, you can always read our latest updates about the Looker Studio connector.

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