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Set up SEO audit
Lucas Grimond avatar
Written by Lucas Grimond
Updated over a year ago

In this article, discover the steps to set up an SEO Audit.

Choice of data collection Engine

he first step in setting up your audit will be to select the search engine via which you wish to collect data


Choice of Audit Type

Two types of audit exist today: simple audit & competitive audit.

To find out more about the types of audit, please visit this page.

Whether to include Universal Search Results

The audit may or may not take into account the universal search results from your keywords. Simply check the type of results you wish to include in your audit:

Addresses - Images - Videos - Maps - News - Mobile Carousel - People Also Ask - Featured Snippet, Google Find Jobs, Recipes, Find on...


By selecting these options, the Universal Search results will be collected and included in the calculation of your search engine ranking. This will give you an accurate idea of your true ranking.


To find out more about universal search, go to this page.

Page Depth

The SEO Visibility Audit can extract data from the first 10 pages of the search engine and provides you with a 1-100 ranking of all your keywords.

You can edit these settings when setting up your project, and you can choose how deep into the SERPs you want to go in to retrieve data from.


Selection of keywords

You will need to fill in the keywords you wish to audit. You have several options either:

  • Download the example file in CSV, it is encoded in UTF-8 format (make sure you respect this format) and tells you how to fill it in so that your Group / expressions / engine configuration combinations are respected during the import.

  • Create groups: for example, an e-commerce site classified by product category (carpet, lighting, etc.)

  • Via a Google Sheet link

  • Via another tool

  • Put the keywords directly here separated by comma, semicolon or line break

Choice of Extension

Engine: You can select the search engine and country extension from the drop down menu. If the search engine or extension doesn’t appear in the drop-down menu, go to the SEO Audit search engine settings.


The Myposeo platform covers almost all search engines available including

  1. Google

  2. Bing

  3. Yahoo

  4. Amazon

  5. Youtube

And it gets better! Each search engine offers to cover over 150 country extensions.

Device: The Myposeo tool gives you the option to choose the device that you want to perform your SEO Visibility Audit on.

You can set up separate projects per device or conduct the audit for both devices in one project itself. All you need to do is select the Device option at the bottom of the page before setting up.

City: You have the possibility to track the position in a city (to track the position in geolocation).


NB: Once your PPC audit has been validated, the details of the credit consumption will be displayed, allowing you to know how many credits will be consumed before launching your audit.

How to Check If Your SEO Audit is Ready

Once your SEO VIsibility Audit has been launched, you will automatically be redirected to an overview page with a list of all your Audit campaigns.

A progress bar next to the Project name shows a percentage progression that indicates how much of your Audit has loaded and how much data is being loaded.

On What Date is the Visibility SEO Audit Data Collected?

The Visibility Audit allows you to see your site’s performance on the SERP on a particular day and at a particular time only. The data is therefore only collected on the day the audit is set up.

All the data extracted will be loaded into your Myposeo interface after 24 hours.

Can I Access Deleted SEO Audits?

All deleted or older audits can be found under the archived Audits tab


Note that it is perfectly possible to export data from an export that you have deleted if it has been completed beforehand.

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