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How to set & manage Target Url?

Find out if your keywords are targeting the URL you asked them to follow.

Thomas Hénault avatar
Written by Thomas Hénault
Updated over a week ago

argeting on URL / a specific page for a keyword enables to track the ranking solely of that page in the search results, without considering a potential better result.

Several pages of your website can include the same lexical field. It is not uncommon to have several pages ranking on a single request. Nevertheless, it is often recommended to have only one principal page triggered on a request and work solely on this one. If you wish to monitor accurately the evolution of a page more crucial than your homepage or a better ranked page, targeting an URL will enable you to do so.

Several options are available to set-up targeted URLs. First on a campaign level by importing a CSV file including the list of keywords and their matching targeted URLs. You can also manually enter in the interface the keyword / URLs pairs, but this would be way longer.

Do you want to measure your page optimisations and make sure search engines are ranking pages for the keywords you've worked on?

Here's how to configure your Myposeo projects to measure that the right keywords are ranking the right urls on your site.


Myposeo does keyword tracking.

We want to clarify this because from the point of view of the tool, it is the url that is the target of the keyword.

Others will say that when we optimise a page we are talking about a target keyword.

In any case, you will be able to know if the engines position the page on the queries of your choice.

It is therefore necessary to configure the keywords of your projects to indicate to the tool that your tracked keywords must position an URL.

Step 1.1: Add or edit keywords manually

Target URLs can be added after project creation or at creation.

When creating the project:

Step 1.2: Add or edit keywords via a CSV file

Download the CSV file in tool format... (image below)

...then add the urls you wish to track in the target url column (image below).

For an existing project, you can edit your keywords.

The target url then corresponds to a keyword parameter.

Step 2.1: How to visualise the data?

In the SEO Perf. Tracking project - Tab Keywords and Sub-tab Positions.

Case study n°1:

If the target url matches with the query/keyword, a target is displayed next to the url found for each keyword (image below).

Case study n°2:

The target url is not reached, it is another url that is ranked, so a small empty box is displayed next to the url found for each keyword (image below).

Case study n°3:

The keyword does not target an URL so only the url found is displayed.

Step 2.2: How to visualise the data?

In the SEO Perf. Tracking project - Tab Pages and Sub-tab Targeted pages.

This view lists the target urls of your project and allows you to have pre-calculated metrics on your targets:

  • Average position of the target url;

  • Estimated traffic;

  • Search volume;

  • For each target url:

    • Number of tracked keywords that target this url;

    • Number of keywords tracked that do not target the url but position it;

    • Rate of reaching the targets:

      • Number of keywords that target and reach / Number of keywords that target.

    • List of keywords that trigger this url.

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