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Audit Type
Lucas Grimond avatar
Written by Lucas Grimond
Updated over a week ago

The Myposeo tool allows collection of information from search engines for a given request.

There are two types of audit: simple audit and competitive audit.


Simple Audit

Search engine query on a selected keyword and collection of the best position found for a given website.

Competitive Audit

Search engine query on selected keywords and collection of all the positions of the current players. This means that the tool will collect all the positions of the actors present on 10 pages.

Collection websites can be achieved in two ways:


Aggregation of data by domain: All sub domain statistics (keyword positions for example) will be gathered in the same domain. Example: / statistics will be in the domain.

Keeping all the sub domains: All subdomains found in the results will be displayed as is. Example: / statistics will be consulted independently and not combined in the same domain.

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