This article explores the import of keywords through the csv import available during the campaign creation and the campaign edit.
To discover all the options available to add keywords and how to get to this stage please visit the Keyword import - Global methodology article.
Once you get to the keyword selection step in your campaign set-up you can add keywords through :
CSV upload
This option allows you to import a csv file with all your keywords, which can be more convenient when you have big volumes of keywords and don't want to type them or copy & past them.
In order to import the right format, click Download an example file.
You will get a .csv file with all the right columns to fill in :
Column A: Create groups for the keyword expressions in your campaign
Column B: The following keyword expressions
Column C: The search engine
Column D: Target country
Column E: The language
Column F: The device (Desktop, Mobile or tablet)
Column G: A particular location
Don't modify the column order.
Once your excel file is filled in, remember to save the document as a .csv in UTF-8 format and Upload it on Myposeo by clicking Upload a CSV file and selecting the matching file.
All these keywords will be imported in your project with the Search specifications chosen.
Remember that if you want to track a keyword on two devices, you will need to add it twice, once for desktop and once for mobile.
Same goes for various search engine, language, countries or location.