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Universal Search Results (U.S) - Glossary
Universal Search Results (U.S) - Glossary
Lucas Grimond avatar
Written by Lucas Grimond
Updated over a week ago

Universal Search What is it?

Universal search (US) is represented by the fact that Google displays in its results pages links coming from different sources of web pages from its "classic" index (News, Images Videos, Maps etc.), in addition to the usual "blue links".

Taking into account Universal Search Results on Myposeo

Universal Search (US) aime to integrate different types of resources on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

Taking into account the universal search results into your Ranking calculation is very important as it can have a significant impact on your rank position. We consider that images, news, addresses or even videos are links that can be clicked on by users and therefore we think that they should be counted as rankings as well.


Screenshots taken on 24/03/2020 on search request “ Boris Johnson”

How to use Universal Search:

Thanks to Myposeo’s ability to track Universal Search results on a comprehensive body of keywords, you will now be able to know which formats are better represented on the results page for the keywords analysed i.e. which formats/ blocks are triggered most by the keywords analysed.

This will therefore, make it easier to determine which format you should be focusing on to maximise your chances of achieving maximum visibility on the results page.


Analysis the SERP by breaking down the keywords that trigger one or another type of Universal Search results.

The following graph shows the data divided by keyword groups


Breakdown of keywords which trigger one type or another of Universal Search results

When setting up your Rank Tracking or Audit project within the Myposeo tool, you can take into account the following universal search results:

  • MAPS



  • NEWS






How is Data Collected from Universal Search?


Types of Universal Results


Maps Results

The Maps results (local) are displayed when a user searches for a particular establishment (like an Italian restaurant for example), or a place near to his location (for example, a service station). They are visible on different places in Maps and in Google Searches.

Screenshots taken on 24/03/2020 on search request “restaurant near waterloo station”


Screenshots taken on 24/03/2020 on search request “hotel location brighton”


How do you read these on Myposeo?

The icon in the data table (within the SEO Rank Tracking module) indicate that the keyword is ranked in the Universal Search result “Maps”


This graph shows a comparison between the number of keywords that trigger other types of result on the SERP vs the keywords where the analysed site ranks in the Universal Search types of results on the SERP


Carousel Videos

Google displays a carousel of video suggestions relating to your search query in its search results.

Screenshots taken on 24/03/2020 on search request “manchester united arsenal”


Screenshots taken on 24/03/2020 on search request “tottenham vs liverpool highlights”


How do you read these on Myposeo?

The icon (image icon) in the data table (within the SEO Rank Tracking module) indicates that the specific keyword is ranked in the ‘Videos’ section of the Universal Search results.


Block Images

Google Images is a service offered by Google that allows you to find web images related to a topic.

Screenshots taken on 24/03/2020 on search request “desk lamps”


Sur mobile
Screenshots taken on 24/03/2020 on search request “desk lamps”


How do you read these on Myposeo?

The icon (image icon) in the data table (within the SEO Rank Tracking module) indicates that the specific keyword is ranked in the ‘Images’ section of the Universal Search results


This graph shows a comparison between the number of keywords that trigger other types of result on the SERP vs the keywords where the analysed site ranks in the Universal Search types of results on the SERP.


News Block

Google News is a free tool that reports a large amount of news and information in real-time.

Screenshots taken on 24/03/2020 on search request “manchester united arsenal”


Screenshots taken on 25/03/2020 on search request “manchester united arsenal”


How do you read these on Myposeo?

The icon (image icon) in the data table (within the SEO Rank Tracking module) indicates that the specific keyword is ranked in the ‘News’ section of the Universal Search results.


Recipes Carousel

The “Recipes” block is displayed when a user searches for a particular recipe online.

Screenshots taken on 24/03/2020 on search request “Pancakes”


Screenshots taken on 24/03/2020 on search request “Pancakes”


How do you read these on Myposeo?

The icon (image icon) in the data table (within the SEO Rank Tracking module) indicates that the specific keyword is ranked in the ‘Recipes’ section of the Universal Search results.


This graph shows a comparison between the number of keywords that trigger other types of result on the SERP vs the keywords where the analysed site ranks in the Universal Search types of results on the SERP


People Also Ask (PAA)

The PAA (People Also Ask) section is a Google result page feature that consists of a list of frequently asked questions by internet users relating to a search query generated by the user.

Screenshots taken on 24/03/2020 on search request “bed bugs”


Screenshots taken on 24/03/2020 on search request “best netflix series”


How do you read these on Myposeo?

The icon (image icon) in the data table (within the SEO Rank Tracking module) indicates that the specific keyword is ranked in the ‘PAA’ section of the Universal Search results.


Please note that the platform only collects the results displayed by default on the SERP. For example, if a user clicks on a question in the PAA box, Google will add on 2 supplementary questions. These 2 questions will not be collected by the platform, only the original listing is tracked.

This graph shows a comparison between the number of keywords that trigger other types of result on the SERP vs the keywords where the analysed site ranks in the Universal Search types of results on the SERP


Find Jobs Section

Google’s Find Jobs was put in place to facilitate users’ search for employment opportunities. This section brings together millions of job offers published online from job boards as well as from corporate websites.

Screenshots taken on 24/03/2020 on search request “marketing jobs london”


Screenshots taken on 24/03/2020 on search request “marketing jobs london


How do you read these on Myposeo?

The icon (image icon) in the data table (within the SEO Rank Tracking module) indicates that the specific keyword is ranked in the ‘Find Jobs’ section of the Universal Search results.


Find Results On

In a special block, Google refers to thousands of offers published online, as indicated below.

Source seroundtable on search request “Asbestos removal halifax uk”


Screenshots taken on 25/03/2020 on search request “Asbestos removal halifax uk”


How do you read these on Myposeo?

The icon (image icon) in the data table (within the SEO Rank Tracking module) indicates that the specific keyword is ranked in the ‘Find Results On’ section of the Universal Search results.


Universal Search Setting

You can customise the default setting that takes into account Universal Search Results (USR) when calculating your true rankings on the SERP.

To customise the Universal Search Result setting, all you have to do is:

  1. Go to “Account Settings” on the left-hand side Navigation Bar on the Home page

  2. Click on the “SEO Perf.Tracking” tab

  3. Scroll down to the “Results Types” section

  4. You’ll see the “Include Universal Search Results” option and select the types of results that you want to collect data from

  5. Click “Save Setup”

This will be your default settings every time you create a project so you don’t have to manually select them everytime!


Please note: The setup saved will only apply to the individual account user who has saved it. Other account users will have to configure it individually

Images Results

Number of keywords ranked in 'Images' Universal Search

Videos Results

Number of keywords ranked in 'Videos' Universal Search

Maps Results

Number of keywords ranked in 'Maps' Universal Search

News Results

Number of keywords ranked in 'News' Universal Search

Recipe Results

Number of keywords ranked in 'Recipe' Universal Search

People Also Ask Results (PAA)

Number of keywords ranked in 'People Also Ask' Universal Search

Find Jobs Results

Number of keywords ranked in 'Find Jobs' Universal Search

Find on Results

Number of keywords ranked in 'Find on' Universal Search

Featured Snippet

When a search engine user types a question into the search bar, the search engine attempts to answer the users’ questions is the quickest and easiest way possible.

The Featured Snippet is a short extract from a web page with the best answer that matches the users’ question most accurately. It looks like this:


On the Myposeo platform, you can see which keyword of yours triggers a Featured Snippet on the SERP.

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