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Performance Tracking raw data views & details
Performance Tracking raw data views & details
Lucas Grimond avatar
Written by Lucas Grimond
Updated over a week ago

'Overview' Tab

Can I Hide Blocks in the Overview?

It is not possible to edit the specific data on the interface since the data is all extracted from the search engines selected when the project was set up.

You can however, change the appearance of the data tables and the columns display by filtering the data so you only see the data that is relevant to you.

You also have the option to create a Customised Report to showcase the data you want to share with teams and colleagues.

'Backlinks' Tab

If you have synchronised Majestic, you will see data on 4 KPIs:
* Number of backlinks
* Number of referring domains
* Trust flow
* Citation Flow

> Learn more about these indicators


'Keywords Groups' Tab

'Keyword groups' View

The tab "Keyword groups" will allow you to analyse the ranking and visibility of your thematics.


'Google Search Console' View

Once you have synchronised your project to the Google Search Console, the "Google Search Console" view provides you with aggregated data of clicks, impressions and CTR of tagged keywords in the thematics.


'SERP' View

The "SERP" view will allow you to analyse the structure of the SERPs by theme and thus identify the types of content to focus on.


'Keywords' Tab

Ups & Downs of Keywords in a Project

Ups / Downs correspond to the number of keywords that have risen / fallen between 2 dates. This indicator, available from the list of projects, is configured by default between D and D-1 and calculated automatically every day at 8am.

An update of the positions of the keywords tracked in your project does not update this indicator live.


You can change the dates for retrieving positions via the calendar.

What is NP?

The notion of non-ranking must take into account the depth of the page, the analysis and the number of results per page which can often be > 10.

This is why it is displayed "NP" in the "position" column when there are no results in the SERPs analysed for the url followed (non-ranked keyword indicator).


'SERP' View

The data in this view is directly linked to the environment of your keyword and all types of results present on a page.

Thus, for a given keyword, in addition to your position, you can display the number of organic results - the number of images - videos - maps - news, whether a knowledge graph is present or the total height of the page in pixels


'Result Types' View

In a FULL performance tracking, the "Results types" view of the "Keywords" tab, allows you to display all the positions of the tracked keywords by type of results:

- Organic

- Universal Search (US)

- Google Ads

- Google Shopping


All the positions of your site are then dimensioned by type of result, i.e. each type of result is displayed in a specific column.

This gives you complete data on your positions on the different levers.


'Page Groups' Tab

'Page Group' View

The "Page groups" tab will allow you to analyse the ranking by page categories.


'Google Search Console' View

The "Google Search Console" view, allows you to analyse the performance of page categories using data from the Google Search Console.


'Google Analytics' View

The "Google Analytics" view allows you to analyse traffic by page categories via Google Analytics data.


'Pages' Tab

Page Analysis

New optimisation in your SEO Performance Tracking module.

When you are in the "Page" view, you can now click on the icon (see example below) to display a summary.


This summary will provide you with aggregated data on the page such as:

- Ranked keywords

- Volume

- Average Position

- Weighted Average Ranking


'Competitors' Tab

From now on, under the Competitors tab, you will have a “Competitors Overview”. By default, this summary will display all the sites that you have added to your project with different graphics.

It quickly provides you with an overview of the competition on identified keywords. Especially the competitors who are most often present and those who manage to capture the most traffic on specific keywords identified.

This is how you understand the data displayed in this overview.

Top 10 Competitors

This graph shows you the visibility of the competition in one quick look:

  • Y-axis: Presence rate which corresponds to the number of keywords ranked/ number of keywords tracked

  • X-axis: Weighted Average Rank (WAR) by the value of the volume of keyword searches. Please note that a well-ranked keyword with 0 volume will have less weight in the average position.

Finally, the size of the bubble corresponds to the estimated traffic (calculated by taking into account the CTR of the rank and the value of the volume)


Top Competitors Tracked – Evolution of Share of Traffic

This graph lets you observe in detail, the share of traffic for each competitor i.e. which estimated traffic is captured in relation to the estimated maximum traffic of the SERP.


Top Competitors Tracked – evolution of the Weighted Average Rank (WAR)

With this graph you will see the evolution of the WARs over time for each competitor.


Top Competitors by Rank on Pages 1, 2 & 3

This graph represents the proportion of keywords ranked per results page, by competitor.


Top Competitors- Distribution of Ranking in Google’s Rich Results

Here, you have the top 10 competitive sites tracked and ranked according to the number of keywords that rank in the rich results within Universal Search Results (US): images, news. Addresses, videos, Featured Snippets (FS) and People Also Ask (PAA) sections.


Top 10 Competitors according to the Number of Pages Ranked in the SERP

Top 10 competitor sites tracked and ranked according to the number of pages ranked on the search engine results pages (SERP).


'SERP Features' Tab

To allow you to quickly identify the most frequently asked questions by Google, from now on Myposeo will allow you to extract all questions from the People Also Ask type of results.

To recall, the PAA (People Also Ask) type of result refers to a compartment with a series of questions related to an initial query made on the search engine.


When creating a campaign, check the People Also Ask box, under Universal Search’s advanced settings


Once you have completed configuring your campaign, you will be able to immediately visualise ALL the questions asked by Google on the SERPs and identify the keywords that trigger them.

Indeed, the platform will scrap the results page and extract all the questions on the keyword list that you have entered.


Why should I use it?

The PAA block is becoming more and more common in organic positions. Your domain may be ranked below these and therefore, may receive less clicks (please note that this feature correlates with the Pixel Ranking KPI. Being an SEO winner and ranking in positions 1 to 3 is not synonymous with good visibility).

It’s interesting to extract these PAA questions as it allows you to find opportunities to rank in this type of results.

Indeed, you will see which are keywords are triggering such PAA questions which will give you insight and therefore find ideas for topics (or opportunities to optimise existing topics) that will help you rank your domain in these blocks.

You will also see the landing page associated with the PAA. Analysing this page, with our SERP Explorer (available in the ToolBox), will allow you to find the best practices (tags used) to incorporate in order to rank your domain in the People Also Ask section.

Feel free to contact our online support team for any questions, we will be happy to help you.

How to create an alert?

When you are in your project, go to "Add", "New alert":


Create a personalised alert according to your preferences and be notified by email:


Then identify the trigger that will generate an alert on your account or by email:


'Alerts" Tab


You can edit your alerts by going to the docked wheel "Manage alerts".


Why Can’t I See Competitors on Some Projects?

The appearance of competitors under this tab is subject to the selection made when the project was being set up.

If no competitors have been added, no data will be displayed. For data to be displayed you must add the competitor domain that you wish to track and get information on.


Why Can’t I See Certain Tabs on My Project?

Tabs appear on the interface according to what was selected when the project was being set up.

For example, if you choose to track different Devices, a Devices tab will appear but if you only choose one device (desktop or mobile) the tab will not appear.


Similarly, a view appears if you add keywords on different location:


Or keywords on different search engines/countries:


Why is the Keyword Group tab empty?

The keyword groups include all keywords of a similar nature and topic and group them together in a folder. This is done automatically and collects data and statistics on each of the keywords within the group.

The groups display the aggregate statistics which can be compared with each other so users can visualise the growth and progress of their site’s performance per group.

If you have created a new project, this data of course, takes some time to be extracted from search engines. It takes about 24 hours from the time the project has been set up, for the data to show.

How to Visualise your Data Differently

The views offered by the tool meet the majority of our users' needs. However, it may happen that some issues require a different display of the data.

Therefore, you have the possibility to create your own views in the Report section and to filter the data according to the format you wish.

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