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Export Data
Lucas Grimond avatar
Written by Lucas Grimond
Updated over a week ago

How do I export my Table Data?

You can export your data at any time. Select the export button and choose the desired format=

  • Tool Format

  • CSV

  • TSV

  • Google Spreadsheet

  • PDF - Portrait

  • PDF - Landscape


Can the overview be exported Automatically?

The overview of your tools can be exported in pdf format. To export, click on the Export button. Choose the portrait or landscape format, the .pdf file will be generated automatically.


Export data from my Graphs

Export dashboard data for use in a spreadsheet program or for presentation in slides or other presentations.

When you move the mouse over a graph you will find a menu (3 vertical points) at the top right of the block:

  • Full screen: As its name suggests, this allows you to display the graph over the entire size of the browser window

  • Export to PNG: Export the graph in PNG image format

  • Export to CSV: This allows you to retrieve the raw data in CSV format and thus process these data in a spreadsheet or other format

  • Copy the image to the clipboard: Allows you to quickly copy/paste the graphic image from your dashboard to your presentation or email.

  • Copy data to clipboard: Allows you to quickly copy/paste raw data.

For the tables, you have the possibility to:

  • Copy the rendering to the clipboard: This copies the HTML of the table and thus the style and data are copied. You have the same rendering in your presentation slide


To find out how to export a report, go to this page.

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