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Display of data tables
Lucas Grimond avatar
Written by Lucas Grimond
Updated over a week ago

Table Filters

The Myposeo tool allows you to modify the display of data you wish to see or not.

Filter by Groups

You have themed your keywords and you do not want to display certain groups of keywords?

Uncheck the group(s) in question


Filter on Devices

Filter your data table by device.


Filter on Engines

Filter your data table according to search engines.


Filter by location

Filter your data table by location.


Advanced filters

The "Filter" block allows you to apply multiple filters to put your different KPIs into perspective.

To learn more about advanced filters, please visit this page.


Data table column management

To manage the columns to be displayed or not in your tables, go to the table header (the little cross)


Table Display Mode


Mode pagination

Table behaviour in Pagination:

  • Allows you to scroll on the page

  • The table header is fixed

  • Displays 25 to 500 items


Infinite Scroll Mode

Ideal on a large screen, it loads and displays data tables of more than 100,000 lines easily.

Coupled with the side navigation bar, divided by group. You can quickly navigate to your keyword groups.

  • In this mode, the scroll on the page is disabled. You can scroll through the table and the lines corresponding to the keyword group freezes under the header to indicate which group you are currently in. With the navigation sidebar divided by group present, it makes it easier to navigate within groups.


Full Screen Mode

Make the most of your screen size and work as though you’re in a standard spreadsheet.


The ‘Pagination’ and ‘Infinite Scroll’ modes are saved in you default preferences for each project.

“List of projects” Customised View

You can filter your project list according to one or more groups that you have previously configured. And this filter can be saved in a user's display preferences. And so you can display the group(s) you are interested in without having to re-filter the view each time.


This is a great tip for SEO agencies for example, that have about 50 managers – each with their own filter configuration preferences since you don’t work on the same clients.

It’s interesting to configure the project lists in such a way, that you see only the groups that interest you without having to reconfigure the list each time.

For example : 1 project group per project manager or 1 group per client

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