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New design for your data tables
Lucas Grimond avatar
Written by Lucas Grimond
Updated over a week ago

You may have seen in the last few days that the Myposeo platform has undergone a small refresh.

Here are the changes in your Myposeo data tables

  • the button for managing columns is now in the table header (the little cross)

  • the action buttons have been moved closer together in the main column

For example :

  • in the project column => favourite buttons, actions (droplist)

  • in the keyword column => overview button, evolution, actions (droplist)

  • on the page view => overview

  • on the market view => delete button


More updates are coming soon:

  • table loading

  • colours per cell => to highlight data for example with colours on positions (ex: 1-3 green, 4-10 yellow, > 10 red)

  • project status => users will be able to activate/deactivate a campaign in one click

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