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Users management & Projects Sharing
Users management & Projects Sharing
Maxime avatar
Written by Maxime
Updated over a week ago

For a multi-users account, the Myposeo platform allows you to create User and Administrator profiles.

  • Account administrators have full access to the interface, tools and projects. They can edit other users’ access and rights.

  • Users are restricted by the usage rules applied by the Administrators.

Adding & Deleting Users & Admins

Add user/administrator

The user management interface allows you to add / modify / delete access rights for users to your account data.

To do this, in the sidebar, click on the "Users" tab or go here directly.:!?predicate=email&sort=a&r=50&page=1


The interface initially displays a list of users/administrators created on your account.

The table is composed of the following columns:

  • Email: User's email

  • Company: Company to which the user belongs, optional fields

  • Type: Account type, user or administrator

  • Allocated keywords: Quota of keywords allocated to this user

  • Keywords used: Number of keywords currently used

  • Allocated credits: Quota of credits allocated to this user

  • Remaining credits: Number of credits remaining to this user

  • Credits consumed: Number of credits consumed by this user since the beginning of the account


The option "Add a user" appears under your consumption.


Click on the button "add a user" and fill in the information related to the profile of the user/admin you wish to create: email, password assigned to the account, company name.

  • If your objective is to create an Admin profile, the operation stops after you click on "Save an administrator".

  • On the other hand, if your goal is to create a User profile, check the box in question, click on "Save a user. A page will be displayed and you will now need to set up this user profile. Now give it a number of credits, keywords and tools to which you will give it access and save.


Delete user/administrator

With one click you can delete the user(s) you want.


Note: Deleting a user is an irrevocable action. If the user has created projects, they are automatically attached to the main account and the remaining keywords/credits are automatically added to the main account.

Assigning Credits & Keywords to Users

As an admin, when you assign keywords/credits to your users, they are automatically debited from your account even if they are not used.

It is a quota system and you have to be careful not to allocate too much.

Click on the edit icon in the Actions column at the end of the selected user's line.


In the block named "User access limit", enter the number of credits and/or keywords you wish to grant to the user. Click on the "Save user" button at the bottom of the page to validate your actions.


How to Limit Users’ Access to Modules

The user can be limited to 3 accesses:

- Access to tools: selection of tools from your offer to which the user will have access

- Creation access on each tool: Possibility for the user to create or not new projects

- Read/write access to data: Possibility for the user to read only the data or modify them


Click on the "Save" button at the bottom of the popin to validate the rights on the projects.

When you return to the "Modify a user" page, click on the "Save user" button at the bottom of the page to validate the global configuration of the user account.

Filter User Data

Users displayed on your account can be filtered using the filter bar on the right.

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