Discover in video how Myposeo is calculating positions in the Performance Tracking Module and what are our best KPI's to use as WAR (Weighted Average Ranking) and Global WAR
4:30 Introduce SERP Landscape
6:29 Myposeo helps you to define the "true" position
9:59 How we do calculate positions
12:12 Choose the appropriate project type according to your needs
13:03 What are the differences between Simple, Competitive and Full project types
20:50 What are the types of results collected in full project
23:22 What are the positions collected in full project
28:15 How to choose the right positions to use in full project
30:48 Best practices for position tracking
33:00 Introducing the WAR kpi: formula and explanation
37:22 Introducing the Global War kpi
40:58 Key takeaways