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Tips & Tricks #3 - Position calculations & best Kpis for SERP Rank Tracking
Tips & Tricks #3 - Position calculations & best Kpis for SERP Rank Tracking
Maxime avatar
Written by Maxime
Updated over a week ago

Discover in video how Myposeo is calculating positions in the Performance Tracking Module and what are our best KPI's to use as WAR (Weighted Average Ranking) and Global WAR

4:30 Introduce SERP Landscape

6:29 Myposeo helps you to define the "true" position

9:59 How we do calculate positions

12:12 Choose the appropriate project type according to your needs

13:03 What are the differences between Simple, Competitive and Full project types

20:50 What are the types of results collected in full project

23:22 What are the positions collected in full project

28:15 How to choose the right positions to use in full project

30:48 Best practices for position tracking

33:00 Introducing the WAR kpi: formula and explanation

37:22 Introducing the Global War kpi

40:58 Key takeaways

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