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Tips & Tricks #7 - Page categorisation
Tips & Tricks #7 - Page categorisation
Lucas Grimond avatar
Written by Lucas Grimond
Updated over a week ago

Discover in this video how to categorize Url's in and analyse/compare groups of pages performances.

0:00 Intro

3:34 Introduction: why you might need to group Pages in tracking?

5:43 2 different options in Myposeo: dynamic and manual

9:02 Perf. tracking: Setup Groups of URLs

9:30 Option 1: manual selection and creation

10:14 Option 1: manual copy/paste (or CSV import)

10:43 Option 2: automatic categorisation (regexp & CSV)

11:40 Filter pages view by "Page groups"

12:15 Limits of the Groups of pages features

14:05 Bonus: setup all pages settings in CleverLake

15:38 Sync external data soures to Myposeo - Reminder

16:25 Indicators for Groups of Pages

17:11 Cross data with other dimensions

18:36 Groups of pages - Myposeo data comparison

20:13 Detailed pages analysis (group metrics explanation)

21:08 How to setup in Report (Myposeo)

22:08 Key Takeaways: Groups of Pages in Myposeo

24:02 CleverLake: SEO data lake for Jellyfish

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