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What is Search Volume in J+Search?
What is Search Volume in J+Search?
Maxime avatar
Written by Maxime
Updated over a week ago

The Search Volume (SV) refers to the monthly number of user queries made on a keyword on a search engine.

Frequently asked questions about Search Volumes in Myposeo:

Where do the Search volumes displayed in Myposeo come from?

This data comes from Google Keyword Planner and is collected each month with a delay of about 3 months, the time it takes Google to display this data.

Note: In the keyword planner, Google ads displays by default the average search volume over 12 months while Myposeo collects the exact search volume each month to take into account seasonality.

Search volume

How do Search Volumes work in the Seo Perf Tracking?

We will illustrate the Search Volume on keyword-level which is the most basic SV aggregation to explain, but we also aggregate SV on pages, keywords groups, Sites, and competitors entities.

Once in the "keywords" tab of your SEO Perf. Tracking, you will notice 3 columns with volume indicators.

Volume: the value displayed is the last monthly Search Volume collected in Adwords. You will notice that the value corresponds to the last value of the trend.

Average Volume: this value corresponds to the search volumes average of the last 12 months displayed in the trend column.

Trend: the chart corresponds to the last 12 search volumes collected in Adwords. A tooltip is displayed with the values and dates on the mouse-over.

Which Search Volumes are used in the traffic indicators calculation?

Traffic indicators calculated in Myposeo such as Estimated traffic, Max traffic, Share of traffic. are based on the Average Search Volume displayed in the column "Average Volume".

Estimated traffic Formula: Avg. Search volume*CTR
Estimated traffic: (13492*0,3276)/30days = 147

Does Myposeo collect Local Search volumes?

Yes indeed. In case you track your keyword positions by targeting particular cities, Myposeo will collect the Adwords Search Volumes related to the cities targeted.

Here is an example of SV collected for the query "nike training shoes" in New York and Los Angeles.

Here the data collected from Google ad planner for the specific city of Los Angeles

Why I don't find the exact search volumes between Myposeo and other solutions?

It is likely that if you compare the Search volumes of Keywords between Myposeo and other Platforms, there will be differences. The reason for these discrepancies is that the methods of collection or calculation of search volumes are specific to each tool and often come from different sources.

Why do some keywords come back with no Search Volume?
it’s related to the behaviour of Google Adwords when a request for volume is made with similar keywords at the same time.

E.g :

food delivery= 0 SV

foods delivery= 220,000 SV

foods with delivery= 0 SV

food for delivery= 0 SV

it’s possible that Adwords make a cluster and send back the volume for one keyword only instead of send back the search volume for all “similar” keywords.

in this particular case, the SV returned can be only for “foods delivery” keyword. Other similar Keywords may be display A “0” Search volume.

Next Step --> We have to improve our ability to distinguish similar keywords to avoid Adwords regroupment

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