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J+Search indicators (metrics) definitions
J+Search indicators (metrics) definitions
Lucas Grimond avatar
Written by Lucas Grimond
Updated over a week ago


Location of Ads: Where the PPC Ads / Adwords ads are located on the results page.

Top Ads: The number of your PPC ads ranked at the top of the results page.

Bottom Ads: The number of your PPC ads ranked at the bottom of the results page.


The total number of external links pointing to your website. Data received from the Majestic tool.


The Budget is the estimated amount spent on keywords, the group or the site. It is an indicator internal to the tool and based on traffic estimation and average cost per keyword.

Calculation: Traffic estimation * average cost per click (CPC)

Citation Flow

Citation Flow is a number of predicting how influential a URL might be based on how many sites link to it.


A conversion is an action taken by a user after clicking on one of your ads. Depending on your objectives, a conversion can represent a form registration, a sale or a call.

Conversion rate: Expressed as a percentage, it represents the number of conversions divided by the number of clicks on an ad. A valuable indicator that will allow you to judge the overall performance of your campaigns, your ad groups and your keywords.

Setting up conversion tracking is extremely important as you will be able to count the number of conversions made and collect vital statistics to optimise your campaigns. If they are direct sales you will also be able to know the amount.


The cost of acquisition. This KPI will initially allow you to know how much a conversion costs you. Then, logically, you will always try to pull this amount down and determine the threshold at which you make a profit.

When your campaign has reached a certain stability and has a significant history of conversions, you can use the 'conversion optimiser' which allows you to define CPA bids in two ways. Either by max CPA (maximum amount you are willing to pay to convert) or by target CPA (average amount you want to pay per conversion).


CPC is short for Cost Per Click and is the average cost an advertiser has to pay to the search engine for every click their PPC ad receives on a keyword purchased from Google Adwords. All data is retrieved from Google Planner.

CPC Max: This is the maximum amount you are willing to pay for someone to click on your ad. You will never pay more than the value you have listed. Start gently, start with reasonable bids, observe how your campaign performs and adapt according to your objectives. A small subtlety concerning the maximum CPC, it can be applied to a campaign in an automated way and managed by Adwords (see bidding strategies) but you can of course define manually for each keyword, the bid of your choice.

Be aware that not all keywords are on the same level and you will quickly realise that some need more protein to get a return.

CPC Average: This is the average amount you pay when someone clicks on your ad. It is the total cost of all clicks (which may have different costs), divided by the total number of clicks received. We are talking about an average here because the price of clicks on an ad can vary. Example: if your ad registers 3 clicks, 0.22 / 0.29 / 0.30 the average CPC will be 0.27.


Click Through rate. This is the number of clicks divided by the number of times an ad is displayed. This visibility indicator will reveal whether or not your ad is being clicked. Ideally, a good CTR reflects the success of your ad. The question is whether the success of your ad in terms of clicks translates into conversions.

Here is the list of CTR used in the Performance tracking Module


Evolution refers to the progress and growth of the keywords’ rankings from date 1 to date 2.

Keywords Beyond Page 10

The number of keywords that trigger a result beyond the 10th results page. This gives you an idea of the keywords you need to optimise better for since they are not triggering a visible result.

Keywords in / out of the TOP 100

Number of keywords in/out of the TOP 100 between the 2 selected dates.

Keywords on Page 3 & Keywords Between Page 4 and 10

The number of keywords that trigger a result on the 3rd results page. This gives you an idea of the keywords you need to optimise better for since they are not triggering a visible result.

The number of keywords that trigger a result between the 4th and the 10th results page. This gives you an idea of the keywords you need to optimise better for since they are not triggering a visible result.

Number of Results

The total number of results indexed on Google's database on a selected keyword.

Organic (SEO) Results: The number of sites ranked in the Organic Block on the SERP or a result that is found in the Organic listings.

Number of Landing Pages

Number of landing pages of a site found on the keywords tracked.

Number of Up / Down Keywords

The number of keywords who’s ranking has risen or ascended / fallen or decreased on the SERP between the 2 dates compared.

Pages Ranked

The number of pages that are ranked on keywords being tracked on search engines.


The PerfRank is an indicator ranging from 100 to 1 that allows you to rate your ranking performance according to the number of relevant searches made. 1 is the best score and 100 is the worst which is normal as we always like to aim for first place! Let’s illustrate this in an example with a sample of 10 keywords and their search volumes (fake volumes, I would like to clarify.) In the first case below, my website ranks well for keywords with large search volumes. My PerfRank is close to 1, so it’s performing well.


In the second example, my website is poorly ranked on high volume keywords. You can see this time that the PerfRank is closer to 100 despite the very good ranking on low volume keywords. The score easily identifies bad ranking on “big” keywords.


As you will have seen, this indicator reveals the performance ranking on keywords according to their search volumes. The more you’re ranked well on keywords with high search volumes, the closer you will be to 1.


The PerfRank is only available in our reporting tool. Please take a look at our video which has recently been remade, to find out how to create customised reports.

For those of you who use dash-boarding in our tool, you will find the indicator from the block version in the “ranking” data source in 2 variants:

  • PerfRank Global: The indicator calculation includes positioned keywords + non-ranked keywords. We take into account the keywords tracked which are not set on your website. This inevitably lowers the score because non-ranked keywords have a lowest index (score of 100).

  • PerfRank: The indicator calculation only includes ranked keywords. The PerfRank will automatically be better than the PerfRank Global because it only takes into account ranked keywords.

Physical Coverage

SEO Physical Coverage: This gauge shows the physical coverage of the first SERP of the keyword.


SEO Physical Coverage > 800px: This gauge shows the physical coverage of the keyword above the line, that is placed at 800px here.



The ranking of your website on a keyword being tracked.

Position 1 to 3: Number of keywords that trigger a result between the 1st and 3rd positions on the SERP.

Position 4 to 10: Number of keywords that trigger a result between the 4th and 10th positions on the SERP.

Position > 10: Number of keywords that trigger a result beyond the 10th position on the SERP.

Best Position: The URL of the first site found on the SERP triggered by a selected keyword.

Average position: Avg. position refers to the average position of the keywords being tracked. Any ranking over 100 are not included in this calculation.

Weighted Average Ranking (WAR): position indicator to which we integrate the keyword search volumes.

Formula: sum(Average Volume*Position)/sum(Average Volume) Lear more about the WAR


This indicator ranks you on how visible your website is on the search engine results page.

You can get a score between 1 to 100, 1 being the lowest and 100 being the highest.


A keyword in position 1 earns 100 points, a keyword in position 2 earns 99 points, and so on up to 100.

Presence Rates

The number of keywords on which your site is ranked / The total number of keywords tracked * 100.

Top 1 Presence Rate (No. of keywords in triggering a position 1 result / No. of total keyword tracked) * 100

Top 3 Presence Rate (No. of keywords in the top 3 results / No. of total keyword tracked) * 100

Top 10 Presence Rate (No. of keywords in the top 100 results / No. of total keyword tracked) * 100

Quality Score

It is the index of the level of relevance of your keyword / ad / landing page / CTR combo. The "quality level" influences the cost and position of your keyword. Note that the Quality Score also takes into account data relating to your account history and past performance.

In theory, with the same CPC as a competitor, your keyword is supposed to rank higher if its score is better. However, this indicator should be taken with a pinch of salt, so don't deprive yourself of keywords that make sense for your campaign even if their QS's are poor. What counts for you is your acquisition costs, not to get into Google's good books by having high quality scores.

Referring Domains

The total number of domains with at least one backlink pointing towards your site.

Rich Snippets

The number of keywords triggering a result with rich content such as site-links, reviews etc.

Search Volume

The search volume refers to the total number of searches on a keyword per month made by users on the search engine.

This data is retrieved from Google Keyword Planner and collected each month, the time it takes Google to display this data.

Warning: Google displays by default the average search volume over 12 months while Myposeo collects the exact search volume each month to take into account seasonality.

Similarity Rate

The similarity rate refers to a percentage of keywords that you and your competitors have in common.

A high similarity rate means that a majority of the keywords you use, are also used by your competitors. The higher the competition on the keyword, the harder it is to rank in well on the results page on that keyword.

Stagnant Keywords

The number of keywords who’s ranking has not changed between the two dates selected.

TOP Keywords

The TOP keywords refer to the keywords that trigger results on page 1 of the results above the fold ( < 800 pixels). These results are visible to users without them having to scroll down.

TOP 1: Number of keywords where the site is 1st of the results.

TOP 3: Number of keywords that trigger a result between the 1st and 3rd positions on the SERP.

TOP 10: Number of keywords that trigger a result between the 1st and 10th positions on the SERP.

Traffic (estimated, Max, Share of traffic)

Before revealing the formulas of the different Traffic indicators, here are the details of the click rates used to calculate the traffic indicators in Myposeo based on the keywords you tracked.

Note: CTRs can be customised in each SEO performance tracking campaign. Once the CTRs are customised according to your needs, all relative indicators (Estimated Traffic, Max Traffic, Traffic Share...) will be based on these CTRs in their calculations.

Position 1 : 32.76%

Position 2 : 15.26%

Position 3 : 10.04%

Position 4 : 7.21%

Position 5 : 5.5%

Position 6 : 1.2%

Position 7 : 0,9%

Position 8 : 0.7%

Position 9 : 0.5%

Position 10 : 0.3%


Estimated Traffic :

Estimated traffic generated by the keyword, page, group or site. Internal indicator based on the Search Volume and click rate of the results concerned.

Formula: Average Search Volume * Click-through rate of the keyword position

Example: My site is in 3rd position on the keyword "insurance" which has an Avg. volume of 10,000. The click rate of the 3rd position is 10,04%, the estimated traffic generated by this keyword is: 10,000 * 10.04% = 1,004 visits/month

Max Traffic

The Max Traffic indicator refers to the maximum potential traffic a site could generate considering that it occupies the majority of organic results in the results pages. As such, the Max Traffic is based on a CTR of 75%.

Formula: Average Search volume * CTR 75%

Example: My site is in 3rd position on the request "insurance" which has an Avg. Volume of 10,000. The estimated Max Traffic that the keyword could generate is 10000 * 75% = 7500 visits/month while the estimated traffic is 10,000 * 10,4% / 100 = 1,004 visits/month

Max Pos1 Traffic

The Max Pos1 Traffic indicator refers to the potential traffic a keyword, a page, a group or site could generate if it occupies the 1st position in the results pages. As such, the Max Traffic Pos1 is based on the 1st position CTR which is 32.76% by default.

Formula: Average Search volume * CTR Pos1

Example: My site is in 3rd position on the request "insurance" which has an Avg. Volume of 10,000. The estimated Max Pos1 Traffic that the keyword could generate is 10,000 * 32,76% = 3276 visits/month while the estimated traffic is 10,000 * 10.4% / 100 = 1,004 visits/month

Share of traffic

Estimating the traffic of a site in relation to the Maximum Traffic it could generate

Formula: (Estimated Traffic / Max Traffic) * 100


The estimated traffic of the site = 19,240

The Max traffic = 293,057

Share of traffic = (19,240/293,057)*100 = 6.57%.

Traffic Share Pos1

Estimating the traffic of a site in relation to the Max Pos1 Traffic it could generate

Formula: (Estimated Traffic / Max Pos1 Traffic) * 100


The estimated traffic of the site = 19,240

The Max Pos1 traffic = 123,878

Traffic Share Pos1 = (19,240/123,878)*100 = 15.53%



Each bar represents the search volume of a month. When you hover over it, the month and corresponding value appear. At a glance you can see the search volume for your keyword over 12 months.

Trend Variation

This indicator displays the variation coefficient of the historic trend of the search volume. It was developed initially to see if user requests vary over a period of 12 months, and will be simplified in the future.


Trust Flow

Trust Flow is a number predicting how trustworthy a page is based on how trustworthy sites tend to link to trustworthy sites.


Top URL: The best position in which the URL is ranked on the SERP on a particular keyword since it was added.

URL Found: The URL that is triggered on the SERP by a keyword.

Search Volume

The search volume is the last volume available in the Google Keyword Planner.

Average Search Volume

The average search volume is the average of the 12 last month search volumes.

Coverage Rate

How Myposeo is calculating SERP coverage rates to find best visibility opportunities?

Coverage rate is based on the size of each block type.

The measurement uses the Pixel height. This calculation provides the real “Surface coverage” by certain block types. The coverage rate is only defined for Page 1 of the SERP.

Each keyword gives a different number and type of results, which determine the overall size of the page, calculated in pixels.


Coverage Rate above the fold is measured at 800px high. This is known as the visible range of the SERP for both desktop and mobile.

The calculation does not include any Knowledge or Shopping Panel if they are on the right hand side of the desktop page. However, they are included in the calculation on mobile.

The value of this coverage rate is to provide real opportunity to have visible results on top of the 1st page.


Average position of an Url

Knowing that several keywords can trigger the same page, we calculate the average position of a page by averaging the positions of all the keywords detected for a page.

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