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How to create groups of pages?

Grouping keywords in Pages categories enables to get aggregated or average data for keywords tracked in your campaign.

Maxime avatar
Written by Maxime
Updated over a week ago

During the SEO work, it could be necessary to target a pages category in particular for tests or specific optimizations (local pages, blog pages, others). It is also likely to start your optimizations at different times according to your website size. Regrouping pages will enable to aggregate stats wit a new dimension, more accurate than on a domain level and larger than on a single page level.


In your campaign navigation bar, you can click on the project set-up and on the pages categorisation management.

You can then use regular expressions to identify pages categories. Be aware that this feature use your URLs format, they need to be recognizable easily enough to be grouped.

Once you are in the page categorisation settings, click on the add a group button.

Enter the name of your first-page category. Next, fill in the regular expression. Then click on the "apply grouping" button, which will apply the regular expressions to all the pages collected in your tracking campaign and categorise them according to the groupings you have just created.
In the example below, 143 pages match the regex and are part of the "women" page category. The category page overview on the right allows you to check in real-time if the pages correspond to the rules you are applying.

You just have to fill the rest of your page categories without forgetting to apply the grouping and to save your categories by clicking on the button "approve".


In case you need to import your categories and Regex in bulk, you can import them from a .csv file that you can download directly from the tool. Please respect the order of the columns, the .csv format and the UTF-8 encoding before upload your files.

pages categories file format

Once your grouping is done and according to the frequency of your project, the performance of your page categories will be calculated and displayed in the "Group pages" tab.
​E.g: if your tracking is set to a daily frequency, you will get the page categories data within a 24 hours period.

By default, Myposeo calculates and aggregates 5 ranking indicators by Pages categories:

  • number of tagged pages

  • Ranked Keywords

  • Average position

  • Weighted Average Ranking (W.A.R)

  • Estimated traffic

Frequently Asked Questions :

Can data from Google applications be displayed at the page group level?

Yes, In the case that you have synchronised your Seo Perf. tracking campaign with Google Analytics and/or Google Search Console, you will be able to display data from these applications, aggregated over the page categories you have created in Myposeo.

You will be able for example to display Google analytics Sessions, Transactions, Revenue, Bounce... or GSC Impressions, clicks... for your pages categories.

All these data will be available automatically in the raw data sub-tabs "Page groups> Google Search Console" & "Page groups> Google Analytics"

Are the calculations retroactive?

No, Statistics calculations for each groups are not retroactive. You will get data from the date you create your page categories.

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