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How to create several keyword groups levels?
How to create several keyword groups levels?

This article helps you to create and manage the keyword groups levels.

Thomas Hénault avatar
Written by Thomas Hénault
Updated over a week ago


Tracking a corpus of keywords is good, categorising it is even better.

For example, if you manage an e-commerce website, grouping your keywords according to your product categories will allow you to know which category is likely to perform best or which has the best potential.

The goal of this tutorial is to show you step by step how to categorise, sub-categorise, a corpus of keywords by level. The final objective is to attach this categorisation to the SEO Perf. Tracking campaigns and to display it in the Reports tool.

Step 1.1: Import your keywords via the Keyword Master

To start categorising your list of keyword, you can add it to the Keyword Master, a categorisation tool.

Once in the interface, create a new selection.

Once you have created your selection, all you have to do is import your keywords into the tool.

Several methods are available to you. The most commonly used are manual entry, via a Myposeo tool, and the CSV file.

Manual entry:

Enter a list of keywords manually and then choose an appropriate language (here English). This method is recommended for a small list of keywords.

Myposeo tool:

This import method allows you to retrieve all the keywords from your campaigns or projects. Your keyword groups will also be created automatically.

Here, we have chosen to import the keywords of the Nike - FULL - EN_DEMO campaign directly from the SEO Perf. Tracking.

CSV import:

Import your keywords directly from a CSV file. This file must fill all these conditions to be understood by our tool:

- Separator: / (slash)

- Encoding : UTF-8

The best thing to do is to download the example file to be sure you have the right format.

Once the keywords have been imported, the next step is to create categories.

There are two ways to add categories to your keywords. We will see how to create main categories before adding sub-categories to them.

1st option → Manual entry of your categories

Enter the names of your categories manually and add them to your selection.

Then select the keywords to assign them to a category, as follows:

Choose an action to move these keywords to the category...


A pop-up will open, select the shoes category to add the keywords. Finally, validate the action.

Once the action has been validated, you will find the shoes category related to the selected keywords in the Categories column.

2nd option → Category suggestion

You can categorise the categories using the category suggestion.

From the suggested categories, select those that interest you.

If you want to categorise your keywords with the selected categories just above, check the automatic categorisation option. Automatic categorisation allows you to automatically organise your selected keywords with your new categories.

For example, all the keywords containing shoes and running were put in their respective categories, which are shoes and running.

Having seen the 2 options for categorising your keywords, you can now assign sub-categories to them.

1st option → Manual entry of your sub-categories

Enter your sub-category manually, in this case Boots, to nest it in the Shoes category.

In order to assign keywords containing the keyword Boots, remember to automatically categorise so that you can find keywords in the main category Shoes and the sub-category Boots (shoes/boots).

2nd option → Sub-Category suggestion

Select your sub-categories.

Then assign them to a main category, here running.

Once your categorisation is complete, this is what the Category tab looks like within the Keyword Master.

The last but not least, add your categorisation to your SEO Performance Tracking campaign.

Step 1.2: Import your categorised and sub-categorised keywords directly into the SEO Perf. (same for SEO Visibility Audit)

It is also possible to create your own categorisation without the help of our tools.

For this, we advise you to import your categorisation file directly into a format specific to Myposeo.

Here's how to do it:

  • Start by creating your tracking campaign. Once you have reached step 2 (Select your keywords), import your keywords into the CSV file tab by clicking on Download an example file.

  • Once the file is downloaded, import your keywords and your categorisation in the respective columns. Remember to fill in the right information for each column (engines, languages, countries...).

The Adgroups column corresponds to your categorisation. For example, on the screenshot above, we find the Backpack category.

  • ❗️[IMPORTANT] To make a distinction between the main category and the sub-category and to create group levels, you need to separate the category and the sub-category with a SLASH (/).

Example line 5 and 6 of the CSV file:

The keyword gym backpack has as main category Backpack and as sub-category Gym.

Level 1 = Backpack

Level 2 = Backpack / Gym

Each time a keyword is separated by a SLASH (/), you tell the tool to create an additional level.

  • Once the file is completed, save it in the correct format: the file must be in UTF-8 format.

Then validate it by clicking on the Upload CSV button. All that's left to do is complete the set-up of your campaign.

Step 2: view your keyword groups within the SEO Perf. Tracking

Keyword TAB:

Once in the interface, you will find a table of keywords with your categorisation (Groups) by level.

You can filter by keyword groups...

And even by level :

When filtering on the level 2 groups, the tool does not record 87 keywords but 72 keywords:

Keyword Groups TAB:

You can also find statistics in the Keyword Groups tab. This will give you an overview of the performance of your groups and allow you to prioritise your SEO projects.

Overviews TAB:

Similarly, in the overview tab, you will find a section on keyword groups in a report.

In the SEO Perf. Tracking, the overview only offers two blocks of data. To fully benefit from the Keyword Groups, we advise you to use the Reports module.

Step 3: View the performance of keyword groups and subgroups in the Reports module.

Once in the interface of the Reports tool, it is possible to breakdown your data.

If you wish to aggregate data via keyword groups then you will need to select the secondary dimension: Keyword Groups.

To add levels to your keyword groups, simply select another secondary dimension: Group Level.

After creating your block, add the Group Levels and Keyword Groups component to it to be able to filter on it (block).

For example, you can display only the first level of categorisation, as follows:

This allows you to isolate the performance of groups of keywords by group level.

Here are some examples of graphs to be reproduced in a report:


Now that you know how to do this, it is up to you to make perfect use of the group levels associated with the keyword groups.

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